How do I feed my baby for the first time?

Once the mother obtains the doctor’s approval that her child is ready to try solid foods, she must first make sure to prepare him for this stage. Among the tips that are given in this regard are the following:

Make sure to choose the right time of day to feed the child, so that the child is not upset or tired.

Offering food to the child when he feels a little hungry, and not to a large degree, to ensure that he receives the food without severe discomfort while making sure to breastfeed him from time to time, whether from breast milk or a bottle of milk.

Focus on keeping the child in an upright sitting position when planning to feed him, whether by placing him on the mother’s lap or in his infant seat.

Be careful not to force the child to eat if he starts to get upset and crying, and return to feeding him either breast-feeding or bottle-feeding for a while before trying to feed him solid foods again.

Taking into account that the child’s intake of solid foods is gradual, as the child remains dependent on his diet from mother’s milk or formula or both at first, bearing in mind that the readiness to start eating solid food varies from one child to another.

How to introduce food to a baby for the first time?

The child needs to be breastfed during the first six months of his life, for the many benefits that he can get from his mother’s milk, after which he can start providing solid food to him. The goal is to get the child used to the texture and flavors of food, in addition to teaching him how to move the food inside the mouth and swallow it.

So there is no need to worry about the amount of food the baby eats at this stage, as mentioned earlier, the baby continues to get its nutritional needs mainly from breast milk or formula. Here are the most important things to know when feeding your baby for the first time:

==> Providing mashed foods to the child, which is usually using a spoon, and here care must be taken to follow the following instructions:
1/ Use a soft-edged plastic spoon designed for such uses, to avoid damaging the baby's gums.
2/ Put the food on the tip of the hanging and offer it to the child carefully.
3/ The child between 6 to 8 months: The mother should make sure to give breast milk or formula first, and then provide the child with solid food after the milk.

==> Child between 8-9 months: Solid food can be given to the child as part of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
9 months old baby: Solid food can be given first, then milk, to allow the baby to gradually transition from breastfeeding to eating solid foods before reaching the age of 12 months.

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