In what month do baby teeth appear

baby teeth, The first tooth appears in most children around the sixth month of age, and a white tooth may appear in the child’s mouth at any time between the age of three months and the age of one year. The first is painful for him, and it is a source of fatigue and wakefulness for his parents, and how both the father and mother behave during this critical period of the child’s life.

The most common question remains when a child’s first teeth appear, as many parents worry when seeing their child who has completed his ninth month without any tooth appearing, while others worry when they find their child at the age of three months and his teeth have begun to emerge, and in both cases, there is no need to worry Nothing compares to the appearance of a child's teeth in terms of variation and difference from one child to another.

-- Signs of tooth eruption:

The signs of the emergence of teeth differ from one child to another, and the following signs can be observed:
Increase in the saliva of the child.
The child seeks to bite what falls in his hands, and he may bite his or his parents' fingers.
Lack of appetite.
Swelling in the gums and redness.
Redness of the cheek from the side where the first tooth grows.
The child becomes more nervous and tense, whether at night or during the day, and the disturbance increases at night.
Slight increase in temperature.
The baby's stool becomes watery, more than usual.
Diarrhea, cold, or flu.
Infections of the nose, throat, or ear.

Although doctors confirm that the appearance of teeth has nothing to do with the child’s illness, many mothers notice that their children are exposed to disease when the teeth erupt, and the reason for this may be the lack of immunity in their children, so the child in this critical period needs care and care from parents.

-- Take care of baby's teeth

reduce foods containing sugars, sweets, and chocolate; Because it is the main cause of tooth decay in children. Ensure that the child eats eggs and milk daily to strengthen his immunity and increase the natural calcium percentage in the body. Taking care of the child's dental hygiene by using his toothbrush and toothpaste and brushing his teeth daily to get him used to that. If the child is an infant, his teeth can be cleaned using a piece of gauze or cloth, placed on the finger and gently rubbing the child's gums, and then rinsing his teeth with water. It is recommended to give the child natural juices, and fresh fruits, because they are beneficial to his body and health, and are free of sugary substances.

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